10 Simple Steps to Improve Your Social Media Bio for Better Conversion
Convert Views to Followers.
Social media apps are money magnets if you know how to milk that cow.
Instagram, Twitter, Linkedin — anything can be monetized.
Don’t think it’s possible?
Look at this -
Now, let’s say — you started your account, you’re posting content, and people are checking you out but you’re not getting any followers.
That’s because your profile does not convert.
All the traffic doesn’t matter if your profile doesn’t force them to click “Follow”
Your social media bio/profile page is like a website of you.
And you have 10 seconds before your viewer loses their attention and goes back to scrolling.
So here are 10 tips to make your bio convert 90% more and get more followers -
1. Use more “You” and less “I”
Your bio is not about you. It's about them.
Harsh truth — No one gives a damn about what you like, dislike etc.
Share about yourself but also add how you help.
❌ I know copywriting, marketing and landing pages
✅ Teaching you copywriting, marketing and landing pages
2. Let go of extra information
If you’re serious about building a brand, remove the extra info.
❌ Marketer, Invester, Founder, Loves football, #K-pop fan
✅ Marketer and Founder. Sharing my journey of my SAAS
You have 3 seconds.. to showcase your personality with your bio.
Think about what image you want your reader to have in those 3 seconds.
A marketer who’s growing.
Or A marketer, footballer, kpop lover.
You cannot paint a personality with too many words!
However, you can add a tiny bit of personality so it doesn’t look robotic.
3. Don’t use hashtags in your bio.
Don’t use hashtags in your bio. Don’t use hashtags in your bio. Don’t use hashtags in your bio. Don’t use hashtags in your bio. Don’t use hashtags in your bio. Don’t use hashtags in your bio. Don’t use hashtags in your bio. Don’t use hashtags in your bio. Don’t use hashtags in your bio. Don’t use hashtags in your bio.
It looks spammy.
4. Mention mentions and URLs at the very end
You might want to add the profile of where you work, or your alternate profile.
Don’t add it in the middle of the bio. It breaks the flow.
“Working at @TwitterSpaces123 . Also writing http://blablabla.com . Founder @blablablabla123, 5+ year experience”
Looks shabby. And it makes the reader skip entirely.
Add it at the very end.
5. Your header should complement your bio
You can see in all previous examples that the header strengthens the value proposition of the profile.
You see what they’re about, what they do, or a simple CTA.
Don’t mention contrasting things in the bio and header.
If your bio shares what you’re doing, share the social proof in your header.
If you are struggling with ideas, write a tagline + 3 icons around your niche.
6. Be specific. Use Numbers wherever you can.
❌ Grew 2 companies
✅ Increased revenue of 2 Companies by 87%
7. Don’t be defensive. Show confidence.
Try not to add
— Views are personal
— Tweets are personal
No one’s coming after you. Things like these only make your words less valuable.
PS — Except it's your professional job’s requirement.
8. Share your journey
Tell your story in the bio.
Stories bind people.
Share your “From -> To” story.
The easiest way to share your journey on your bio is in a FROM-TO one liner.
Example —
Cold Email King- from $0 to $600K in 60 days
From Amateur Writer to 200K words, 100 blogs in 3 months
9. Make it relatable
You’re unique, yes.
But you want people to go “Hey, that’s like me” or
“Hey, that’s what I wanna be” when they read your bio.
Use those elements of your story in it.
Example —
Quit my job to build a remote side hustle.
A dad starting from $0 to $100K.
10. Your pinned post
Your pinned post on any platform should
- Tell your story
- Show your authority
- Have social proof
Don’t merely add the post/tweet that has the maximum likes but the one that shares who you are or what value you give.
Some examples of each categories -
Kunal shares his story from rags to riches.
My pinned post shares a story that shows I KNOW MY SHIT + give value
Dan’s pinned post shows his story + authority + proof that he’s done what he’s teaching you
To conclude —
1. Use more “You” and less “I”
2. Let go of extra information
3. Don’t use hashtags in your bio.
4. Mention mentions and URLs at the very end
5. Your header should complement your bio
6. Be specific. Use Numbers wherever you can.
7. Don’t be defensive. Show confidence.
8. Share your journey
9. Make it relatable
10. Your pinned post
That’s it for now!
If you need a profile review, share your URL in the comments and I’ll feedback :)
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